This howto explains using Saleculator for subscription based billing
This method makes use of advance payment for tracking active subscriptions.
1. Accept advance payment from customers.
2. Make a sale choosing the right subscription package for the advance paid. Use Advance for payment.
Administrator Menu > Maintenance > Resources
3. Use below section in Printer.Ticket to print subscription expiry date. Change the value 30 to desired value for subscription validity in days.
#if (($ticket.getCustomer() && $ticket.getCustomer().getAdvanceDate()) #set($y = $ticket.getCustomer().getAdvanceDate().getYear() + 1900) #set($m = $ticket.getCustomer().getAdvanceDate().getMonth() + 1) #set($d = $ticket.getCustomer().getAdvanceDate().getDate()) #set($d = $d + 30) #if ((($m ==4) || ($m ==6) || ($m ==9) || ($m ==11)) && ($d > 30)) #set($m = $m + 1) #set($d = $d - 30) #elseif (($m ==2) && ($d > 28)) #set($m = $m + 1) #set($d = $d - 28) #elseif ($d > 31) #set($m = $m + 1) #set($d = $d - 31) #end #if($m > 12) #set($m = 1) #set($y = $y + 1) #end <line> <text align ="center" length="48" bold="true">Expires On: $d/$m/$y</text> </line> #end
4. Use below script in to cancel billing for inactive subscribers. Change the value 30 to desired value for subscription validity in days.
if(ticket.getCustomer()!=null) { if(ticket.getCustomer().getAdvanceDate()!=null) { long diff = ticket.getDate().getTime() - ticket.getCustomer().getAdvanceDate().getTime(); int diffDays = (int) (diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, diffDays); if(diffDays>30) { return "Cancel"; } } } Save