To schedule automatic data backup, follow these steps:
You should keep one usb drive permanently connected to Saleculator.
1. Enter the below command:
nano /opt/
2. Copy paste the below code to the editor
#!/bin/bash set -e ignore_tables=( DELIVERYORDERS CALLS TICKETLINES TAXLINES TICKETS PAYMENTS RECEIPTS SHAREDTICKETS STOCKDIARY ) ignore_string=" " ignore_name="" for i in "${ignore_tables[@]}" do ignore_name=" --ignore_table=SALECULATOR.${i}" ignore_string="${ignore_string}${ignore_name}" done if grep -qs "/flash" /proc/mounts; then umount /flash fi ##For table checking and optimizing uncomment below 2 commands #mysqlcheck --user=root --password=password SALECULATOR --check-only-changed --auto-repair #mysqlcheck --user=root --password=password SALECULATOR --optimize if mount /dev/sdb1 /flash ; then #Delete backups older than 7 days find /flash -mtime +7 -type f -delete mysqldump --user=root --password=password SALECULATOR $ignore_string | bzip2 > /flash/backup$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).bz2 umount /flash fi
This script exclude transactional tables from automatic backup. You can change the ignore_tables section to add or remove tables.
3. Press CTRL+X, Y, Enter to save the file
4. Enter the below command
chmod +x /opt/ 5. Execute below command to make sure backup is working /opt/
5. Enter the below command
crontab -e
6. Add the below line at the end
30 2 * * * /opt/
This is will backup data everyday at 2.30am. Below are some examples to schedule at other intervals:
Every Saturday at 2.30am:
2 * * 6 /opt/
First of every month at 12.00am:
0 0 1 * * /opt/
On the 1st of Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct at 03:30:
30 03 01 Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct * /opt/
7. Press CTRL+X, Y, Enter to save the file