A second display for customer can be setup with Saleculator. Here is how to do.
Note: Second display support is available only in 3.7 u3 onwards.
1. In Configuration, under section System, choose Second display and Primary display. Save configuration.
2. Create a text resource, Display.Second.Images and add below lines to it:
Second Display Automatic Image Change:
Administrator Menu > Maintenance > Resources
In Saleculator.properties file set refresh interval in seconds. Default delay is 15 Seconds. 0 Disables changing.
Use below code in event.addline to show image of selected product
if(line.getImage()!=null) { sales.changeSecondDisplayImage(line.getImage()); } else { sales.changeSecondDisplayImage("Advt4"); }
If there is product image, it shows. Otherwise it shows image from the resource mentioned in the code.
3. Create an image resource, Advt1 and add any picture to it. Make sure the image is small enough to save.
Likewise, create image resources Advt2 and Advt3.
4. Create a text resource, Display.Second.TicketPreview and copy paste code from the resource Printer.TicketPreview. You can remove the section <display>…</display> from the code.
Now save and restart.
In case the two displays are not properly aligned, add below line in /etc/X11/openbox/autostart
xrandr --output eDP1 --auto --left-of HDMI1
You can use the command xrandr to identify available displays.
On second display, you should get Saleculator logo or the image you added. While billing, you should get a ticket preview along with the image.
In case the touchscreen is not properly calibrated:
apt-get install xinput service lightdm stop pkill x xinit ###Type below command and identify touchscreen device id xinput ###Type below command and identify touchscreen name xrandr ###Now add below line in autostart, just above java -jar line ###xinput --map-to-output [ID] [NAME] & ###Example xinput --map-to-output 11 eDP-1 &